ACN of Fox News

It is sad how these representatives handled the reporters of Fox news. Although I share Fox news’ implied opinion of ACN, I still feel that if the reps interviewed handled it better, or at least if they were at least trained to handle it better, the company’s impression in this feature report would have probably come out much better. With the way they handled things, it just confirmed what the so called “victims” or former reps were saying.

The part that I found most interesting was the way the legal department spokeshole of ACN actually admitted that

“the majority probably do not make a profit” he even added that “an independent representative are prohibited by the rules of the company from guaranteeing any income, from projecting earnings…”

but apparently when you actually go to one of their weekly of month pep talks which you even have to pay for to get in, implies other wise.

But let us face it, we are all adults here, we all have independent minds and way off thinking. Sometimes we just have to admit that we got “dooped” and look at the lessons learned. I myself signed the same paper work that the “victims” in this interview signed. My logic and math calculations were not able to over come the emotional tactic and sales pitch that the independent representatives used on me. They sold me the dream and I bought it.

However which way we put it, the people who thought of this “scheme” knows what they are doing and have closed the legal loop holes that may discredit them. Their sales and marketing tactics are excellent to the point that they have sold the dream to thousands of people, have been on national TV without further main stream media investigations and has even sold it to Trump who has been endorsing them for years and has even featured the company in his top rating reality show “The Apprentice”