Cancelling your digital phone

Representatives would not like this post, but in these difficult times, some customers need to cancel their digital phone service in order to make ends meet.

Some might get the run around when canceling their digital phone service, just like one of my customers, who called the company’s customer service department.

She was told that she had to go online, access her account and cancel from there, but she looked everywhere on her online account and found no button or any option to cancel her account.  So she called me for help.

I did some digging and found this number


follow the prompts

– choose service in english;

– digital phone service;

– cancel your account

It is very straight forward, the only requirement is that the account holder should be the one to call.

I don’t know why she got the run around, but I am guessing the “customer service representative” that picked up her call was one of those who reads from a script and does not think on their own.

Quite frankly, if the company asked their customers to set up an online account to manage their payments easily, should also have the option of canceling as well.  As easy as they make it for customers to pay their dues, so should it be when they want to cancel.

Placing a “cancel” option on the customers online account access will reflect how the company stands by their product and service.  If the service is good, then the threat of that option to cancel, would be minimal.

2 Responses

  1. For europe its not the same, here you do need to send in e-mail to the right country inbox with your customer number and say that you want to cancel the service.

    • I m just signing up now, but if Nigeria is taking out of it, them i would cancelled my order strength way.


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