VoIP adapter; better for Philippines

If the family in the Philippines are having trouble with their Video Phones, may be the Adapter would be better for them instead.

The usual problem that has been reported regarding Video phones sent to the Philippines, is that the rate of data that flows through the common DSL are not enough or not fast enough for the Video Phone to function properly.

Imagine using a straw  instead of a pipe to run water through your faucet with water representing data (exaggerated of course) Bottom line is that Data is not simply flowing fast and consistent enough.

Since the adapter has no video capability, only voice, it requires less data to function properly.

Other advantages to using the Adapter,  instead of the Video Phone are:

Simple – easy to plug in and no menus to deal with

Affordable – 29.99 per unit and 24.99 per month for unlimited calls to US    and Canada

Pocket Size – It is small enough to put in your pocket when you travel.

One Unit is enough – just purchase one unit and send it over to the Philippines is enough, compared to a Video Phone which requires families from both parts of the world to have one for each to avail of  its exceptional communication experience.

I have yet to receive any reported problems from the adapters that we have sent to the Philippines except one that short circuited, again due to a power surge during a stormy night.  (Customer did not use a power strip)

Bottom line,

This VoIP adapter will allow you to call family in the U.S. on their cell phones, work phones and land lines just the same as a Video phone. Its price and monthly bill is more affordable, it is small in size and you only need one to stay in touch with the family from overseas.